Brilliant Star Light!

Sitting, standing or laying on the ground in nature, and looking up at the night sky can be very restorative. The beautiful intricate designs, the vastness and the twinkling radiance of Light invites us to sprinkle some Light star energy on us as often as we feel to do so! Including our children and pets, also adds lovely experiences, as they naturally resonate with Brilliance unencumbered!

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Scorpio Sun sign, Rising sign or Moon sign

In astrology, we all have each of the signs in our chart. For those who have a Scorpio Sun sign, Rising sign or Moon sign, it can be even more significant, especially at this point in "time", as we venture into the "Scorpio season".

One of the elements of a Scorpio is that we are highly psychic, and are usually deeply aware.

Our radar is well and truly up!
