Remember Always!
/For those who are around in 100 years "time", 500 years "time", 1,000 years "time" and any "time" on Mother Earth (and of course beyond), know that we are safe, feel the deep Love in us. Remember always!
For those who are around in 100 years "time", 500 years "time", 1,000 years "time" and any "time" on Mother Earth (and of course beyond), know that we are safe, feel the deep Love in us. Remember always!
The veil of "fog" we sometimes experience is dissipating rapidly, and many more of us are celebrating the True clear Light of day within us!
Lights, Camera, Action!
It is even more important now that films, movies, documentaries, TV programs, social media, and us who are producing content, focus on presenting calm, kind and uplifting creations. The directors, "stars" and other participants who contribute with Love, Integrity and Inspiration in the world, might not get a Logie or Oscar, however will receive signs and a knowing to keep up the great work by generously (with compassion) contributing Light!
A reminder to us, that artificial intelligence does not replace our Divine Inner Wisdom and Knowing from our Soul, our Light, who we really are!
Imagine or visualize and set the intention of Turquoise Light flowing deep into Mother Earth,
right to Her core!
Do it often, if you choose.
A message to all of us who are Divine Lightworkers, in service to the Highest of Light,
“you are being given even more expansive high crystalline energy, frequencies and vibrations.
Uplifting Trust is ever growing!”
Creating a beautiful display on our tables, of food or beverages or flowers..., (whether we live alone or with someone), can uplift our meal times. It changes the routine, bringing a fresh outlook. It is another way we can "feed our soul"!
Vitamins and minerals are essential to us.
Sometimes we don't eat enough fresh and vital foods.
Taking high quality and high vibrational sourced supplements is one of the keys.
Being innovative with our choices can truly make a difference!
Veronica Psaila
Creating In Your Kitchen!
Dreaming up new and innovative ways of cooking and baking can be a pleasant weekly event.
Reflect on how you would have liked meals to be presented when you were younger.
Allowing your imagination and creativity to flow, can produce fun and delicious masterpieces that manifest simply.
Letting go of the expectational grind of serving a meal, is transformed into a piece of edible art (no matter what it looks like)
Have fun!
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