Singing, Humming, Whistling with your Angels!
The Choirs of Angels sing the most beautiful songs and play exquisite music. It flows down from High, raising our vibration, sending messages and healing to our energetic and physical bodies. It is one of the forms or techniques, by way of receiving “new” awareness!
They play in “bands” and “orchestras” and perform sole acts! J They have great pleasure in expressing the Divine! The angels choose what “instruments” they relish playing and nominate to be with those who resonate with them.
They appear near musicians, conductors and all who enjoy musical “tools”, DJ’s, radio announcers, teachers, music, carollers, lyrists people who hum, whistle and singing.
When I hear, see and feel them sing, it fills my heart chakra, then spreads through me. The cells in my body literally listen and respond to them. They clear, strengthen and vibrate at a higher “level”. It can transport me so far up that I sometimes have to consciously keep grounding myself.
Angels can play all sorts of instruments, both what we use as humans and also they can create their own. I see some playing long feathers, tubes of Light, sitting on literal rainbows and strumming the colours.
I have even seen one joyously play a gum leaf, (I know, how cute!). They too practice their skills, receiving instructions and tutoring from their “teachers and mentors”. They know the value in keeping things “Light and upskilling”!
Because the angels are continuing in their ascension processes, they too like to take notes, learn, participate and have fun. When people enjoy music, whistling, humming and singing (whether it be in the shower, car, on stage, recording studio, the list goes on), the angels love to participate, joining in when asked (whether consciously or subconsciously).
Having gratitude for your voice and expressing through song (even if you think you don’t have a dazzling dulcet tones) is enormously beneficial. It can lighten your mood, bring out a creative side in you, reconnect you with your Inner Child, angels, guides!
You are given an abundance of precious natural tools to enhance your “creative songs within”…
Self-isolation Doesn't Mean That You Must Self-isolate Your Feelings.
/Self-isolation doesn't mean that you must self-isolate your feelings. When a circumstance really bothers you, talk to a trusted person, one you know has your back. They will understand that you are upset and need a little support yourself!
💖 Veronica Psaila
Children Help Us Reconnect With Our Inner Child!
/Children live in the moment. They spread love and joy. Great role models aren’t they!
Children show us how to remain connected to our own inner child, who lives in our heart. They remind us to play, to be in the now and to fully open up to love!
We all have an inner child, who is literally us as a new born, through all the ages, right up until a young adult. Being more present with your inner child is easy.
Simply place your hands on your heart, take some lovely deep breaths and feel into you (as a child). Your age may differ each time you choose to do so. If you have some reservations about what type of experience will occur (especially if you have had a very challenging childhood), ask your angels or high guides or Creator, Source, God, Universe, Great Spirit to assist.
Talk to her, non-binary, or him, who is you as a child. Gently let your inner child know that they are very loved, safe and have many new uplifting adventures manifesting now.
Chat to your inner child and ask what she, non-binary, or he would like to do. Take time to listen or feel or see or know.. what your inner child is offering. You will sense the answers. Trust!
For instance, you ask “is there something fun you really would like to do soon?” and you receive a sense of fish and/or boat. At first you might not understand why fish and/or boat came to your attention. Then, as you ponder over it, you remember that in recent times you had thought about getting out your fishing rod and reel (which hasn’t been used in years) and go fishing soon. Your inner child is confirming what your intuition was kindly prompting you to explore!
Feeling into your heart and connecting to your inner child, whether it is having regular conversations with, remembering childhood times, looking at photos, listening or playing music, sewing, enjoying creativity overall, being in nature, loving animals… raises your vibration and has a positive flow on effect for others.
Discovering deeper aspects of our inner child and their needs, is to discover deeper aspects of us as adults.
It is very healing on many levels to embrace and love our Inner Child!
Blessings and Love, Veronica Psaila
Some Messages from the Angels, Via Veronica!
/The world is changing and it is an opportunity for us to adapt and allow new ways of living. Brilliant new ideas are formed from being open to our creativity, love in our hearts and trust in the Power far greater than any of us, the Power of the Highest Light, the Universe, Creator, God, Source, Great Spirit!
Kindly consider this - We start and continue to think, or visualize, or feel, or know, or have a sense of abundance. For example, instead of thinking of shortage/lack when we are exposed to the hype about a shortage of toilet paper, whether it be via television, the internet, phone or interaction with some others, we have the power to change our perspective and our thinking to “there is now a plentiful supply of toilet paper. The supermarket shelves are now restocked to the brim and continue to be easily restocked”.
When we use language, with meaning and feeling, such as:
"I choose to feel more peaceful within. I choose to feel love for me and others. I choose to relax my body and mind more often. I choose to be kind to others, including animals and nature. I choose to be in nature often. I choose to be open to create and implement solutions to overcome my challenges. I choose to accept help when required with gratitude. I choose to be open, ready and allow a fresh new way of living. I choose to be willing to allow myself to be revitalized, I choose to eat healthy foods, I choose to be gentle and kind to myself."
and consistently use positive affirming words, it strengths our mind, body and energetic systems.
Please know that one of the ways we can assist ourselves and others is:
When we stop putting disparaging posts on social media etc.! This dissipates the energy of lack and fear. When we post truly high integrity, uplifting and useful communication, it has a positive ripple effect out to the collective, which in turn helps us consciously and subconsciously feel relief. Our body and mind then have opportunities to relax, and therefore be more open to clarity and a sense of calm.
Know that we are very loved and supported. Trust that fresh and truly fulfilling new ways of living are being created now. Embracing and contributing our special and unique gifts and talents is the key!
Blessings and Love, Veronica Psaila
Connecting with our angels
/Speaking to our angels like we would a best friend can truly provide enjoyment, more clarity in our lives and a deeper connection with ourselves!
They are great listeners, it’s highly confidential and there is no judgment whatsoever. The angels are “time free” which means they are not restricted by the clock. Trusting that we can do this, whenever we feel so inclined, is a comfort.
It is not necessary to be familiar with what they are assigned to do, or even know their names. The angels can immediately give us a sense of well-being, by their very presence!
Talking to the angels instantly connects us. As does thinking about them, or feeling them, or having a sense that they are near. There are no specific rituals to be followed if we choose. Just being open and allowing them, to gently help us become more consciously aware, is enough.
The angels are instantly by our side listening, ready and willing to assist. Having a chat or a deep conversation with our angels is sacred and soothing.
Asking them to give us clear signs and messages is also beneficial. The angels respond accordingly to what is required.
The love the angels have for us is profound!